Women's manly skirt


Simply skirts

The skirts

Nothing compares, to my mind, to the traditional kilt. But if you want a skirt, but cannot find a man skirt or have one made for you, you might bite the bullet and go to a woman's store. Some skirts are coming close to a man skirt.

The biggest difference is that the man skirt is made for men, all other skirts for women. Like already mentioned, by far most skirts should not even be considered by men, putting emphasize on a manly appearance. But a few might be ok, and could easily have been unisex skirts, if just enough men would dare wearing them. They should then come in bigger sizes and should be to find in men's sections among jeans and business suites. And should, in fact, look better on men than many of the newest utility kilts with their 'manly' metal buttons, 'manly' chains, and enormous 'manly' cargo pockets. A traditional kilt is manly without any of these 'manly' additions, and so can a skirt, not being a kilt.
8 pages