Kilts and skirts
In the gallery section there are 35 gallery pages showing traditional kilts in just as many different tartans.
And to other pages with solid coloured traditional-style kilts and utility kilts.
Not just kilts
Even if focus is on kilts, D2K is advocating for all kinds of skirted garments, worn in a manly way. Because the more we are, being brave enough, to not always wear trousers, the more accepted it shall become.
Therefore, you'll also find gallery pages, showing man skirts and a page where everything is mixed and also including suitable women's skirts - Bravehearts' Gallery.Objective
The intention has not been to show you how I look like when wearing a kilt, but toTechnique
Most gallery pages are designed to function as automatic slide shows with every picture being showed for about one second. However, by means of the left and right angles, as well as by the stripes below the pictures you can at any time go back or forward, thereby overruling the automatic action.