Ready-made kilt, Holyrood tartan.
1. Ready-made traditional kilts
When buying your first kilt or you just want a kilt to wear in situations where an expensive wool kilt would be overkill, a ready-made kilt might be a good choice.
Ready-made means, that all you can choose is tartan and waist size. The length of the kilt shall, with very few exceptions, be 24" or 61 cm, take it or leave it. A kilt can be shortened but with five or eight yards hemline it is a bit more complicated or at least more expensive than with trousers.
1a. Ready-made kilts, sewn in Scotland.
Vendors in Scotland/UK
Highland Store
2-yard wool off-the-peg kilts.
Highland Store has a physical shop in London, Holborn
66 Great Russell St, London WC1B 3BN close to British Museum.
Kilts4less x-hire kilts
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1b. Ready-made kilts, sewn in Eireland.
Vendors in:
Readymade kilt in pure worsted wool by OND - O'Neil of Dublin. The tartan, Stewart Navy, is no longer available. I have four of these kilts.
OND - O'Neil of Dublin
Lightweight kilts in pure worsted wool. Five different tartans. Length 59 cm/23 1/4"
In Germany, there are a few places where you can buy ready-made kilts, one of them being
Irish Berlin Shop/retailer
Gr. Hamburger Str. 36A, 10115 Berlin
Dienstag - Freitag 13.00 bis 19.30 Uhr
Samstag 10.00 bis 16.00
Ein sehr kleiner Laden mit einer kleinen aber guten Auswahl von Kilts, die aus Irland (O'Neil of Dublin) und Schottland stammen. Die Inhaberin, die seit über 25 Jahren das Geschäft treibt, ist sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit.
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1c. Ready-made kilts, sewn in Pakistan
Readymade kilts typically are 8-yard kilts, sometimes 5-yard, made of PV or an acryllic fabric and 24" long and sell at £50-60.
Most of them come from Pakistan, but they might also come from other Far-East low labour cost countries, as will practically all clothing today, even expensive brands, so
per se it does not mean inferior quality.
That said,
some might give you less value for money, if any. The problem is first of all the fabric, even if sometimes the sewing quality could also be better. Cheap PV/acrylic fabrics often peel, making in no time the kilt useless. High quality PV fabrics do not. Avoid kilts sold at £25-30.
Vendors in:
United Kingdom
Heritage of Scotland
8-yard ready-made kilt from Heritage of Scotland in Heritage of Scotland tartan. I have very good experience with kilts from Heritage of Scotland. Unfortunately, they no longer make kilts to measure.
The Scotland Kilt Company
The Scotland Kilt Company on ebay
Vendors in EU:
Scottish Things
Ludwina Helfert
Hauptstr. 110
63768 Hösbach
Di. & Do. 12:00 - 16:00 Uhr im Laden
Auch On-Line Verkauf, Paypal.
Scottish House Stockholm
Galician Shop
The Netherlands
Celtic Webmerchant
Vendors in 3rd countries:
Stillwater kilts
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Custom kilt, Caledonia tartan
2. Custom kilts
Wanting a kilt which shall really fit you when it comes to waist and length and where you'll have a lot of tartans to choose from?
Go for a custom kilt = made to your measures. It doesn't have to be that expensive - but it can be.
2a. Custom kilts, sewn in Scotland.
Vendors in:
Scotland/United Kingdom
Clan, a major Scottish kilt vendor, earlier known as Scotweb, has a very well designed and functioning web site.
To empahsise is their
Essential Casual Kilt, a 5 yard kilt sewn in Scotland to your measures in UK-made high quality poly viscose.
CLAN is also selling a five yard made-to-measure
Casual kilt in pure new wool "with a contemporary lower-waisted cut" which isn't a bad thing for a kilt to be worn casually.
Further they have luxury 8-yard kilts, leather kilts, camouflage kilts and denim kilts in their assortment.
5-yard 10 oz. Men's Casual Kilts.
Houston Traditional Kiltmakers
Kilts 4 U
Kinloch Anderson
Lochcarron of Scotland
McCalls Highlandwear
Nicolson Kiltmakers
Paul Henry Kilts, UK
Paul Henry is in kilt forums renowned for his extremely well-made kilts. I have no experiences myself with Paul Henry kilts but should I one day be in the market for a kilt costing over 400 GBP, he should be the one, I should contact.
Slanj Kilts
St Kilda Kilts
St Kilda, a Glasgow based kilt making company, is offering what might be the most affordable casual kilt, made in Scotland. Having now one of these kilts, I can say that it is a kilt, which I can highly recommend. An attractive price, combined with excellent crafmanship and high-quality PV fabric from British Marton Mills makes this kilt a Best-Buy.
St.Kilda Casual, MacKay tartan
St. Kilda Kilts also have an interesting
5-yard casual wool kilt, as well as more expensive kilts.
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Custom kilts, sewn in Scotland.
Vendors in EU:
Kilts & More Europe
Mühlhausen bei Heidelberg
Hauptstraße 74
D-69242 Mühlhausen
Mo-Fr: 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Kilts are made in Scotland.
Most interesting are a 6-yard PV
'Sports Kilt´ made to measure and a 4-yard
box-pleated wool kilt. Very few kilt vendors offer box pleated kilts. Also, the fact that Kilts & More Europe is based in Germany means that EU-citizens shall just pay the price including German VAT. Freight within EU is favourable.
Note: Kilts & More Europe is not to be confused with Pakistani Kilt & More/!
Kilts & More Europe also has a base in Scotland, but warehouse and physical store is in Mühlhausen, Germany.
The Netherlands
The World of ScotlandKilts are sewn in Scotland.
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2b. Custom kilts, sewn in France.
Vendor in:
Lady Chrystel Kilts
Lady Chrystel is a specialist in making box pleated, double box pleated and kingussie pleated kilts.
2c. Custom kilts, sewn in Canada.
Vendors in:
Burnett's & Struth
MacIsaac Kiltmakers
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2d. Custom kilts, sewn in USA.
Vendors in:
Alexis Malcolm Kilts
Barb Tewksbury
Barb Tewksbury is not only a professor of geoscienties, but also a well-known kiltmaker and author of the book
The Art of Kiltmaking.
J. Higgins
Kathy Lare
Being really light weight the Sport Kilt is just perfect in a hot climate. For informal occasions where you might otherwise feel comfortable in shorts, it is great – provided you don’t expect it to be a traditional kilt. I don’t. And it is not. It’s an unpretentious kilted garment of its own and for the mentioned purposes I can highly recommend it.
Sport Kilt, Loch Ness tartan.
The Celtic Croft
The Scottish Lion
USA makes a very nice 4 yard kilt according to your measures, called USA Kilts Casual. Being closed by means of Velcro it is more flexible regarding waist size, and when a kilt is worn together with a wide belt no one can see that the buckles and straps are missing. The lack of metal parts also means that it shall set no alarms at airports.
And then it is washable, dries up in no time and needs very little ironing afterwards. Last not least, the USA Kilts Casual is practically indestructible.
High shipping costs from USA to Europe, customs and no VAT to deduct are the ONLY problems I have with this kilt.
USA Kilt Casual, American Heritage tartan. No kilt socks.
Interesting web-site. Prices seem attractive, and qualty good. UT Kilts operates with cheaper shipment to Europe than other American kilt shops (FedEx).
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2e. Custom kilts, probably sewn
in and sent from Pakistan
Since some years, you can have Pakistani sewn kilts customized to YOU, in the length you wish, and made to your waist and hip size, with the fell length you might prefer and in a lot of different tartans. And to about the same price as a ready-made kilt.
Another good thing about these kilts is that they are basically 5-yard, which I think is much better for casual wear in general and especially on a hot summer day than 8-yard kilts, but should you want it 8-yard, it is possible too.
But are they good (enough)?
Yes, for most tasks, related to casual wear, the good Pakistani kilts are good enough or more than that.
However, and a bit confusing, several Pakistani kiltmakers have started to also offering kilts costing 100, 150, 200, 300 and even 400 dollars, pounds or euros and without even trying to justify these prices compared to their $/£/€ 50-70 kilts. Is the fabric better? Is it wool? Does it come from British mills? I doubt it, and at such high prices, they are no longer competitive.
The kilts are either shipped to you directly from Pakistan or from another country. Kilts ordered from American and British vendors might come from the respective countries. EU-citizens, be prepared to pay taxes on top, even if the vendor has an EU-address.
Some vendors below are Pakistani-owned and driven, some are independent, it seems.
A 5-yard Pakistani Kilt by Kilt & More, Moffat tartan, ordered in October 2021 from their German branch (EU). Price 38€, Shipping 17€, fast delivery by German UPS, and I payed no taxes and fees on top.
United Kingdom
Euro Kilt
Kilt Experts You decide waist and length.
Tartan Kilt Co UK
UK Kilts
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Champion Kilts
8-yard kilt from
Champion Kilts in Hebridean Heather tartan. Overall quality is extremely good. The fabric is fine, sewing excellent, high precision in pleating. Everything is better than on any other kilt from Pakistan, I know of. High value for money. Definitely a Best Buy and Champion Kilts thus deserves my highest recommendation.
Fashion Kilt
Kilt & Jacks
Kilt Experts You decide waist and length.
Kilts Shop
Liberty Kilts
Royal Kilt
The Kilts Company
UT Kiltstore Not to be confused with UT
Kilt and Sporrans
Kilt Master
Prime Kilts
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Pleats only at the sides, none on tha back of the kilt. 4-yard, wool, Elliott tartan.
3. Neo-traditional kilts
Solid coloured, patterns instead of tartans, other fabrics, or by design deviating from the traditional kilt.
Sewn in Scotland/UK, vendors in:
Scotland/United Kingdom
Expensive top quality kilts where innovation is based upon tradition.
According to
Howie R. Nicholsby, founder and owner of 21st Century Kilts, the kilt should be an alternative to trousers and for every man to use, casual or formal:
“My aim is to give men throughout the world a realistic alternative to trousers. Pioneering the next step of its evolution, 21st Century Kilts is true to the original kilt which was everyday clothing. Casual or formal a kilt should be an option for any man from anywhere who can realize they are part of the history of an international garment."
Paul Henry can not only make you a traditional tartan kilt sewn by hand but also kilts in tweed, linen, denim and cotton.
By Clan by Scotweb you can buy some nice made-to-measure
Camouflage Casual Kilts in four different patterns. Or a
Denim Casual Kilt as well as a
tweed kilt.
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Sewn in Austria, vendors in Austria:
Austrian tartan kilts and fashion.
Don't miss the .The link gives you access to by now 20 beautiful magazines. They are in German only, but if you don't understand the language, just enjoy the pictures.
In fact, no kilt maker or vendor I know of does so much as Rettl when it comes to promoting the kilt and making high quality kilts become fashion.
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Sewn in Chech Republic, vendor in:
Chech Republic
Kilts or wrap skirts for men, inspired by the Scottish kilt and made to measure in the Czech Republic. This is what a Czech family-run company, Kilt Zahálka, is making. There are two models, a rather classical 4-yard lightweight kilt, and a sport kilt with less pleats to make it lighter. The kilts go into the washing machine.
Prices around 90 € for the Sport kilt, 130 € for the classic.
Tomáš Zahálka, who first came up with the idea of making kilts, has several times been interviewed by, among others, Chech Television.
Tomáš Zahálka in a 42 minutes long interview with Růžena Nekudová.
Tomáš Zahálka in a TV show with Jana Krause 21. 3. 2014.
Kilt in Czech – Skirts for men from Vlastiboř.
Tomáš Zahálka describes himself as a kilt promotor and a kilted, barefoot Marathon runner.
Unfortunately, you cannot pay with credit cards, and the site is in Czech language only, but it - as well as the videos - can be translated by Google Translate.
Sewn in France, vendor in:
Despite the brand name, indicating man skirts, the people behind Sous les Jupes des Hommes are positioning their products as kilts. Neo-traditional kilts they could be called, very well-designed and should definitely have future potential.
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Leather sporran in tan
4. Accessories
Most kilt vendors will also sell you all kinds of accessories to go with your kilt, like sporrans, belts, buckles, kilt pins, garter flashes, and kilt hose.
One of them is
Probably the vendor, where you shall get most value for your money - when it comes to kilt accessories.
But you'll also find enterprises specializing in accessories.
Sporrans, belts & buckles
Day wear leather sporran.
Belt and buckle.
Centaur Design UK
Morrison Sporrans UK
Kilt hose/socks
Kilt hose by W. Brewin & Co.Belt and buckle.
This company sells some very nice kilt hose at very favourable prices and in several colours. Highly to recommend. Distribution via Amazon means low shipment cost, and you
might avoid import duty and customs declaration fee.
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Utility kilt made by UK Expo International. The company operates on the B2B market, making kilts and other high land equipment.
5. B2B
Business to business
Thinking of making kilts a business?
Having had the opportunity to try on a utility kilt from UK Expo International I must say that I'm most impressed by the sewing quality, the fabric and overall design.
UK Expo International also makes tartan kilts and kilted skirts for the ladies.
Greenland Pipe Co,
Thistle Rose Enterprises
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Buchanan tartan
6. Tartan mills
D.C. Dalgliesh
House of Edgar
Marton Mills
Strathmore Woollen Co.
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Holyrood tartan
7. Tartan finder
The Scottish Register of Tartans
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