"Last summer, I lost a bet and, therefore, I had to wear a skirt for an entire day. Since then, I have preferred skirts over shorts and jeans. Much more comfortable and looking better, I think. Fortunately, my friends, including my girlfriend, have no problems with me in skirts."
Bravehearts' Gallery
The Braveheart Concept is about men being brave enough to include skirted garments in their wardrobe, whether traditional kilts, utility kilts, sarongs, lava-lavas, skirts made for men, or even, if looking manly enough, skirts for women and who dare wear them out in public.
It was created at the beginning of this century by an American lawyer and kilt enthusiast, known as WDP. He realized that 'defeating trouser tyranny', as he described it, would need more than just men in traditional kilts.
WDP was convinced that a manly appearance was alpha and omega, should skirted garments ever become accepted by men the way trousers had been for women just forty years earlier. He also advocated, those men wanting everything from the female wardrobe - the Freestylers, as he called them - should be contra-productive. This is an opinion, I share. Men in dresses, long floral skirts, sheer tights, and high heels don't appeal to many men - and even less to their wives.
WDP would also run a very nice forum, Kiltmen.com. Unfortunately, he had not much knowledge about web design, and his forum, being therefore not kept up with developments, would soon look outdated, compared not only to other forums, but also to websites in general, this resulting in declining activity. Around 2010 he closed it, and I don't know what happened to WDP afterwards. Back then he could have been in his sixties, I guess, or early seventies. Hopefully, he is enjoying retirement somewhere in a kilt, or perhaps a 'manly' skirt. Should he read this, I wish he would drop me a few lines, telling how he is doing. By all means, I think his Braveheart concept deserves a revival. It is as relevant as ever, especially at a time when freestylers increasingly, as it seems, are replacing skirts by dresses and other definitely female stuff, thereby making it more difficult to achieve acceptance in an otherwise more liberal and understanding society.
Below examples of "Bravehearts":
Young man in a kilted skirt with his girlfriend
Sightseeing in Prague. Couple in grey skirts.
Kilted among good friends
Kilt and miniskirt
Visiting Berlin. The man is wearing a skirt
Man in a kilt with his wife or girlfriend
Enjoying the sunshine. She in a dress, he in a kilt-like skirt, it seems
"Too short to be a kilt. Yes, I know, but who cares?"
Electronic store in a kilt
Couple in skirts walking hand in hand in skirts
Elderly couple
"Whenever possible, he will wear a skirt", says his wife
Shopping grocery. She wears jeans, he wears a skirt
Relaxed in skirts
Like father, like son
On holiday in Switzerland in a kilt
"Doesn't he look gorgeous in this skirt?"
"The skirt? It was a present from my wife"
"How about a pizza, darling?"
"You can have this model with three different battery sizes"
What a wonderful city
In the mountains in comfortable skirts
Couple confident in skirts
"You can. Now go try this skirt on, darling"
Hiking in the mountains
"And you often go dressed like this? Wow, I say."
"How about walking up to the castle and have lunch there?"
Nice days in Croatia
Whole family wearing skirts when in Paris
Short, comfortable kilt at a grill party
Tights worn under grey skirt as a fashion statement
"No, I'm not Scottish. I just like wearing a kilt"
Wears his skirt with confidence
Manly in a skirt
"A man in a kilt is a man and a half", as they say
Couple all in white
At sunset in skirts
All men should try wearing a skirt
"I love you in this skirt"
"Doesn't he look adorable?"
50 pictures showing men, confidently wearing kilts and other skirted 'manly' garments - the "Braveheart Way."
Some are with their wives or girlfriends, some are a bit young for that, some are alone, some are with friends, others are with their whole family in skirts.
Whatever kind of skirt or kilt, these men combine it with clothes and shoes from gents' stores. That's why they are appearing manly, remaining manly.
In the Braveheart terminology, the central word is MUG, Manly Unbifurcated Garments. I like the concept, not the MUG word. But MSG then? Manly Skirted Garments. Well, it might be associated with mono sodium glutamate, used in cooking as a flavour enhancer, which has certainly nothing to do with manly skirted garments. But has a mug? Well, someday, some clever guy might come up with the perfect and unique word.
What I had had in mind, however, with this page, was to demonstrate, that the difference, when it comes to skirted 'manly' garments, is not that big after all. YOUR Braveheart way can be 100% traditional kilts. It can be 100% skirts of a kind. It can be anything in between.
If and when in a kilt you can abide to rules, or you can follow no rules, or you can make your own rules. You are the one to choose your style and to take the step out of WDP/Braveheart's 'trouser tyranny'.
This one is the last gallery page. If you think, you have missed something, you might go back; otherwise you can proceed to the LINKS pages. Below you find the links.
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