The tartan
The green MacLeod, sometimes also called hunting. A clan/family tartan.
The kilt
The kilt is a 5-yard casual PV/acrylic ready-made kilt from Heritage of Scotland, bought back in 2007. Today, equivalent kilts are almost always 8-yard kilts. Despite I have worn it a lot, and for tasks where I should never ever have dared using any of my more expensive kilts, it still looks nice. This is a kilt that simply won’t fall apart. On the front there is some peeling from the sporran, but you shall be very close to tell. The MacLeod of Harris tartan is no longer available for low-price kilts, it seems.
The most compliments from passers-by when in a kilt, I think I have got when wearing this inexpensive kilt!
The pictures
30 pictures.
In the pictures the kilt is worn with and without a sporran, with kilt hose in various colours, with shorts socks, or tights/pantyhose, with sneakers, boots, and rain boots.
When in a kilt with kilt hose, and temperatures are low, you are frequently asked if you aren't cold? In fact, knees never are, but those people seem to find tights, as worn by men under shorts for sport, a better solution. Others, however will praise you for your bare knees. Purists insist on kilt hose.