Kilt, Farquharson tartan

5-yard, 13 oz. wool kilt, sewn in Scotand. Farqarson tartan. Railway station, Goslar, Germany.

Kilt 24/7/365?

Let’s be realistic. Most likely, you cannot wear a kilt 24/7, even if you should want to. Probably your job should be an obstacle. Due to conventions or dress code. Accordingly, the kilt must, like shorts, primarily be something for your spare time. Here, however, you have free rein; provided, you have your spouse’s support.

If so, you have 52 weekends a year, making 104 possible days. Add to this holidays and other day’s off and you have a potential, exceeding one third of a year. Just because you consider your kilt a casual-first thing and not an event-dependent phenomenon, like will most kilt wearing Scots.
If you, like me, live about 56 degrees north - same as Edinburgh - you’ll in spring and summer have these fantastic light summer nights making it possible to wear your kilt for hours in daylight before and after job. Out in the open or in town. And on business trips before breakfast and meetings. What is more fascinating than seeing a city waking up?

Want some more suggestions?

You can wear your kilt when taking your dog out, 2-3 times a day, every day year-round. I do. And believe me, your neighbours shall soon be accustomed to seeing you in a kilt and wonder-why anytime you are in trousers.

The DIY market and shopping mall and electronic store and garden center are obvious places to wear a kilt too. And for out and about in landscapes and cityscapes a kilt is the perfect choice.

Kilt Stewart Royal tartan, restaurant

Having a coffee, Ready-made 3-yard kilt, Stewart Royal tartan.

Kilt Caledonia tartan

In the street, 5-yard wool kilt, Caledonia tartan.

Thpmpson Camel.

Taking the dog out. A few hundred metres from home. Kilt, 3-yard Thompson Camel tartan.

Kilt, MacGregor tartan.

Concert hall. 5-yard wool kilt. Gunn Ancient tartan.

Also, when shopping grocery, having a haircut, going to a bookstore, and driving your car to inspection, wearing a kilt is great.

A utility kilt, or a worn-out traditional kilt, replacing jeans or shorts, is great to wear working in the back yard or when driving to the recycling center.

On vacation in a kilt

When on vacation, long or short, whether in your own country or abroad, bring one or two kilts with you; and wear them. At the breakfast restaurant, when going sightseeing, visiting museums or art galleries, having lunch and dinner, they are perfect.
Colquhoun in N.Y.
Kilted on Manhattan, New York City.
5-yard Kilt. Gunn Ancient Tartan, Hälsingborg, Sweden.
Kilt, Stewart Royal tartan, Copenhagen.
3-yard kilt, Stewart Royal tartan, Copenhagen.
Kilt, Campbell Ancient tartan, Tokyo.
5-yard kilt, Campbell Ancient tartan, Tokyo.
Kilt, Colquhoun.
5-yard Kilt. Colquhoun tartan. At the Danish North See coast. A German Bunker from World War II
Kilt, Holyrood.
5-yard Kilt. Holyrood tartan, Rome.
Kilt, Hamilton tartan, Viemna.
4-yard Kilt. Hamilton tartan, Museum Quarter, Vienna.
Kilt, MacGregor tartan, Amsterdam.
5-yard Kilt. MacGregor tartan, Amsterdam.

By the way, have you noticed that above mentioned situations really are, with a few exceptions, all about casual and smart casual wear, where an affordable kilt and a few accessories shall more than do? Where a 5-yard medium or light weight kilt shall feel much better than an 8-yard “tank”?

Also, when travelling by flight, lightweight kilts are, for obvious reasons, to prefer over heavy and bulky ones.

Closing remarks

When in a kilt, stand up to it, whatever type of kilt is in question. It has been your decision, your choice. Never try to excuse that you are wearing it. Never look guilty or like had you a bad conscience. It is different, yes, but certainly not a crime. Wear it with confidence.

Kilt Farquharson tartan
Traditional kilt, 5-yard, wool, Farquharson tartan.

Kilt Yes, but how about other skirted garments, in other words skirts?

If you know, a skirt could never come in question for you, don't spend time on the next page and go directly to the gallery pages with hundreds of pictures.

But could you imagine situations, where a skirt might be preferable over a kilt or it just coming in question for even more variety, you might find the next page worth looking at.

This page was revised 2025, February 11.

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Could you as a man wear a skirt? Under circumstances you can. Dedicated man-skirts are on the market, you can have a skirt designed and made for you or you might...

What to find on the Dress2Kilt site?

Every man can wear a kilt, anywhere, anytime

Kilt, Caledonia Tartan
How about a kilt?
Every man can wear a kilt - no need to be Scottish. Whenever YOU feel like it, and appropriate, replace your jeans or shorts by a kilt. Learn about how to take the step.
Verschiedene Kilts
Men in kilts - Q & A
Who will wear a kilt? Why wear a kilt? Where and when? What shall other people say? Is it true? Get the answers to these and many other questions.
Kilt, Holyrood Tartan
Webmaster's kilt story
Learn about the webmaster and his over 25 years as a regular kilt wearer. Why did he start? And how about acceptance from his wife, family, friends?
You in a kilt
If you should like to wear a kilt, what keeps you from just orderering one and start wearing it in pubic? Learn how to handle surroundings and mindset yourself.
The kilt - is it a skirt?
Get the answer. If it is, what difference does it make and what makes the kilt something special? The kilt defined.
Which kilt for you and where to buy it?
The all-purpose kilt does not exist. Which kilt shall best fit your needs? You'll find links to vendors of fine kilts in different price classes.
Get the measures right
Probably you shall buy your first kilt online and have it made to your measures. Find out how to get the measures right. It is easier than you think.
Kilt accessories
Kilt accessories and what else?
Which accessories should you buy and which to avoid. Don't get ripped off on things you don't need. What else to wear together with your kilt.
Kilt on!
You have just received your first kilt and some accessories. Learn how to handle all the unfamiliar things.
Utility kilt
Utility kilts
A utility kilt can make an excellent alternative or a valuable addition to the traditional kilt. What should you know about utility kilts?
kilt variants
Other kilt variants
Kilts can be solid coloured. Also, instead of wool or PV, the fabric can be tweed. Or how about a kilt in a nice camouflage pattern, or denim, or leather?
To mind when in a kilt
When in a kilt, how about staircases, sitting and sitting down, wind, and people eager to see what is under it? Learn how to deal with it.
Kilt 24/7/365?
Let’s be realistic; most likely, you cannot wear a kilt 24/7/365, even if you should want to. But many days a year you can. Learn more about it.
Could you as a man wear a skirt? Under circumstances you can. Dedicated man-skirts are on the market, you can have a skirt designed and made for you or you might...


kilt variants
Galleries Introduction
The gallery section - structure, objective, and techique
Tartan kilts
Tartan kilts galleries
Traditional style. 35 pages with kilts in 35 different tartans.
Solid kilts
Solid kilts galleries
Traditional style. Kilts in black, forest green, and light green. 3 pages.
Utility kilts
Utility kilts galeries
Eight pages showing eight different utility kilts.
Man skirts galleries
Two pages featuring man skirts.
A mix of kilts and skirts
Bravehearts' gallery
Men, whether young or old, appearing manly in kilts, man skirts, and other skirted garments.


Links #1
Vendors of kilts and accessories, tartan mills, and tartan finders. The most comprehensive links page for kilts on the internet.
Links #2
Vendors of utility kilts, sarongs, man skirts, unisex skirts, and other skirted garments.
Links #3
Kilt and skirt forums, non-commercial home pages, blogs, picture galleries, videos, articles, men in kilts and skirts on stage and on the catwalk.

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